Saturday, June 06, 2015

Summer Sunday School Party

In August, our Sunday School class had a party out at the lake.  Some of the guys spent the morning setting up a slip and slide down the hill into the lake.  I really wished that I could do it but I figured it wasn't a good idea at about 33 weeks pregnant!  Ha!  Kate did get to enjoy it. 
I think she went down 4-5 times before it started raining...and raining...and raining. 
Thankfully, we were able to enjoy the outside under a porch.  The kids ran around playing with balls.  The dads enjoyed throwing frisbee. 
And the moms just enjoyed being able to sit around and talk! 
Kate, as usual, was so kind.  One little girl got hurt (very mildly) but Kate immediately started checking on her and telling her to "go see my Daddy.  He's a doctor!" 
She has the sweetest little heart!  I made a gluten free pineapple upside down cake for David.  He enjoyed it and wasn't sad that we came home with leftovers. 
Kate wanted to stay and play more but she was tired and lightning wasn't showing any signs of stopping...and THIS mama says no water when lightning is around! 
Hope we get to do this again...maybe Caleb can have his first water slide experience.  :-)

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