Saturday, April 05, 2014

15 Weeks

I'm a little late on this post and really need to get some other posts up.  We've been busy this week but also doing fun stuff.  We went to a friend's house for dinner last night and then K had a birthday party today.  She's napping right now and then we'll go to the grocery store and do some cooking.  I'm still feeling good but I'm at that point of jeans-don't-fit-as-well but don't-look-pregnant-either.  Of course, I'm also told "Oh, I see a baby bump (FYI, it's not there yet!)" then later told "you're 15 weeks, you don't look pregnant."  Makes for being unsure - should I look more pregnant?  Is baby growing?  (Though the increased tightness of jeans make me think baby IS growing!)  But I'm excited and thankful.  K told me the other day that she was ready for the baby to come because she doesn't want me to be sick and that I wasn't coming to her graduation program because I'm pregnant.  Not sure what that has to do with me coming but she thought it did!

Due Date: September 25, 2014
How Far Along: 15 weeks (and 2 days)
Fruit/Veggie: Apple/Avacado, about 4 inches long, 2.5 ounces
Gender: we don't know yet, should be about 3.5 weeks.  I have had lots of people tell me they think boy. Exercise: Still doing my normal routine but feel slower than usual and now hesitant about how many modifications I should do or if I can go "full out" like I usually do.

What I love: Sharing excitement with others

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, enjoying coffee, feeling comfortable exercising flat on my back
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender, loving this baby, house shopping

What I'm thankful for: generous friends offering to share maternity clothes

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